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Modules (60 minutes each)

Module 1 - Setting Up Your Office

This module focuses on setting up your office employees and caregivers and additional setup functions.

Staff from your agency who manage employees or will be adding employees to the EVV system should attend this session.


Module 2 - Train the Trainer: Mobile App & IVR

This module is a train-the-trainer session in which a CareBridge facilitator shares how to train your caregiver staff on downloading, logging into, and using the mobile application. This module also covers how to use Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

Staff from your agency who will be training caregivers on how to record and document their visits should attend this session.


Module 3 - Authorizations & Scheduling

This module focuses on managing authorizations, scheduling members, and creating appointments.

Staff from your agency who manage authorizations and schedule appointments should attend this session.


Module 4 - Visits & Billing

This module focuses on verifying visits, preparing for billing, and submitting claims.

Staff from your agency who will be managing and monitoring visits and exporting visits for claims (billing staff) should attend this session.